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Episode 137, Between God and Atheism: Live in London (Part I - The Debate)


Episode 137, Between God and Atheism: Live in London (Part I - The Debate)

FromThe Panpsycast Philosophy Podcast


Episode 137, Between God and Atheism: Live in London (Part I - The Debate)

FromThe Panpsycast Philosophy Podcast

48 minutes
Dec 1, 2024
Podcast episode


This is a live recording from our recent show at The Royal Institution Theatre in London. The panel includes returning guests Philip Goff (professor of philosophy at Durham) and Rowan Williams (former Archbishop of Canterbury), as well as two new panellists, Elizabeth Oldfield (the popular writer) and Alex O’Connor (the popular YouTuber). It’s a very warm and good-spirited debate exploring the problems with traditional religion and atheism. The main arguments discussed are the argument for God from design and the argument against God from evil. Veteran listeners will be familiar with these arguments; still, in each case, it’s fascinating to hear the responses from both sides of the aisle on what their opponents take to be the strongest objections to their view. Without further ado, here’s the audio from our live show…we hope you enjoy the conversation.
Dec 1, 2024
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

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