ColorIt.com Used Amazon as a Proving Ground to Build a $2.5 Million Business: In this episode you’ll learn from an entrepreneur that used Amazon as a proving grounds to build a $2.5 million business. In this episode you'll learn: 1. How to use Amazon reviews to figure out how to improve on an existing product. 2. What is consumerability and why you want to sell a product that has consumerability. 3. How they’re using the free + shipping model to get customers to make more profitable purchases later. by Shopify Mastersratings:
27 minutes
Nov 7, 2024
Podcast episode
Marcus Milione launched and scaled his business, Minted New York, by sharing his journey online. Throughout development, he brought customers for the ride, incorporating their feedback along the way. Learn how to build in public and earn trust as the face of your brand.Watch the full video interview on YouTube HERE.
Nov 7, 2024
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
- 62 min listen