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Episode 140 - "Must Have" Hobby Tools


Episode 140 - "Must Have" Hobby Tools

FromThe Poorhammer Podcast


Episode 140 - "Must Have" Hobby Tools

FromThe Poorhammer Podcast

41 minutes
Nov 4, 2024
Podcast episode


40K HORDE MODE: PATREON: POORHAMMER MERCH!   In this episode, Brad and Eric talk about the necessary hobby tools for a pleasurable Warhammer experience. Find out which utensils are indispensable for the every-day painting session and which are a complete luxury to be asked as a gift in the upcoming holiday season.   RELATED TO THIS EPISODE: Our Airbrush episode: Our Must-Have Paints episode: Duncan’s Make Your Own Figure Case: Vince Venturella’s Oil Washes: PRODUCTS: Fidget Pop: Paint Brushes: 50 cheap paint brushes: Drybrushes:   TIMESTAMPS: 00:15 Intro 00:54 What the Episode is About 02:18 The Bare Necessities 03:27 $30-40 budget 08:44 Hobby Starter Sets 11:08 Not Your First Time Here 23:57 Getting Serious 27:06 To Infinity and Beyond 34:46 Final Tier 36:36 Outro   SHOW LINKS: Poorhammer YouTube Channel: Poorhammer Website:   Our Producers for October: A Speedy Freek Blizted_Brain DemolitionMann DrLace HugeAxeMan Jan Geisse Kiwifruitbird Lord Partridge II Nathan Seward Nj harlan North Pizza00100 Rock Scott Gray Sebastian Richardson Steven bingham The Mailman The Milkman Wargame Simulator   Our Biggest Supporters: 100 jonny 3D Frank 4K_Fart 99Nines Adrian Franke Alex Fuja Ann Annweiler Another hairy Sasquatch Ballad BedlamsNemesis Beff Jezos Ben Benjamin Nafziger Blake Adds Blubbles 180 Brother Captain Corskadai Cameron Cairns-Baker Cameron R Certified Unfunny Christian Schrewelius Viklund Christopher Andrews Christopher Gargagliano Christopher Polly Chroma Veil Chuck Mordock Craig Judge Cube1359 Daniel Han DankBonkRipper69 DasGoopy David Martinez Devin Voiles Dominick Colacicco Duskers Ed Yoon Edward Lawrence EldritchBee Eric Kelly Eric Lapchenko Eric. Paint the Baneblade Eric. Paint the Baneblade Ethan Gerard ExodiaWannabe Ezelvor Fatguy688 Fedora Appreciator Finn Smailes Fooby Gaige Parrott Gathering Clouds Geete Geoffrey Bowser HappyBrontosaurus HypherionTV I payed $15 to say I’m trapped in Eric’s basement Infernicus J Jack Porter Jacob Gibson James W. Orkshop Jarrett DiPerna Jaydon Jeff JimElone Jonathan Novak Joshua Eisele kalex Kaydien moore KendalMoth KingLeNose Knepo L'Etranger (Lukus) Le BloupBloup Logan Bannach lordmilitant LSJay Madison Ramanama Matthew Tsushima Michael Melcher Mixolydius mmmm burnt toast MoistToast Monkey218 morfiel55 P1 Press Start Paul Skonieczny Pierce is testing the Patreon name character limit PremiumNutsack Protius7331 Quinn Duncan RetardedGyarados Retr0Brave Riley Goddard Rookie XP RossWarlock Samuel Summerfield Sarah Hanson Scrubbing Sol Solonite Spinel Squerson Stormy The Marine who plays Tau The Tired EMR Thecrusader13 TheFishboi Thenoble117 TheOOFVideoWasPOGSoThisIsWhy There WERE no Wolves On Fenris Thrango Tomás Nieves Irizarry VarthaMark Vaultguardian Vick LaJiyna Warm Hotcakes Ysomad2 Zachary Haben Zak0321   Our
Nov 4, 2024
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

The Poorhammer Podcast covers a variety of content for Warhammer games and the surrounding hobbies, covering a variety of content from in-game strategy to army building to collecting and painting new armies. Our goal is to help Warhammer be approachable and welcoming to all players and hobbyists.