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Why You Shouldn’t Date For Potential (Date For Progress, Instead!) | I’m The Problem, It’s Me


Why You Shouldn’t Date For Potential (Date For Progress, Instead!) | I’m The Problem, It’s Me

FromTeach Me How To Adult


Why You Shouldn’t Date For Potential (Date For Progress, Instead!) | I’m The Problem, It’s Me

FromTeach Me How To Adult

15 minutes
Oct 30, 2024
Podcast episode


Welcome back to another edition of “I’m the problem, it’s me”, where I call bullshit on myself for the stuff I’ve been getting wrong, because we learn the most through our fuck-ups.If you’re listening to this, you’re probably dating or thinking about dating… but please (speaking from experience!), whatever you do, don’t date someone for what you think their potential is.Do not date for what someone could be and ignore what they are right now. This is what leads us to fall for the idea of people and stay much longer in bad relationships than we should… a recipe for abandoning yourself.So here’s my solution. Date for progress, instead. Because we’re all a work in progress.Tune in to hear about:Why the “I can fix them” attitude isn’t fair to your partnerStop telling yourself stories about who someone could be and accept them for who they are nowWhy we shouldn’t pressure our partners too much to changeHow to date for progress and unlock your partner’s vision of their own potentialSharing and building out a vision for the futureWhy dating for a specific metric of success or money isn’t always a good ideaMy framework for gaging progress and potentialOur show is produced by:Gillian Berner, Host, Producer & EditorOlivia Nashmi, Audio EngineerCarolyn Schissler, Designer & Web ProducerFor advertising and sponsorship inquiries, please contact Frequency Podcast Network.
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Oct 30, 2024
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Adulting isn't easy, but we got you. Teach Me How To Adult is a smart, unfiltered podcast on everything you never learned growing up, from crushing your career and love life to balancing budgets and wellness. We chat with experts and hustlers who serve up #realtalk and actionable tips on navigating adulthood like a boss. We’re diving deep on everything: Investing! Career advice! Taxes! Homeownership! Relationship goals! Mental health! Fitness! Folding a fitted sheet!? Trying to kill it at this whole adult thing? Follow along as we figure it out together.