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What Is a Shark’s 6th Sense? With Marine Biologist Michael Lane - Episode 45


What Is a Shark’s 6th Sense? With Marine Biologist Michael Lane - Episode 45

FromNat Theo Nature Lessons Rooted in the Bible


What Is a Shark’s 6th Sense? With Marine Biologist Michael Lane - Episode 45

FromNat Theo Nature Lessons Rooted in the Bible

50 minutes
Oct 8, 2024
Podcast episode


Can sharks ever stop swimming? And what is a shark tooth made from? Marine biologist and shark expert Michael Lane joins us to shed light on common misunderstanding about sharks.Here’s our trail map:How Are Sharks Different From Most Fish?Can Sharks Ever Stop Swimming?How Do Sharks Use Electricity?What Is A Shark’s 6th Sense?How Has God Created Us To Find What We Need?Episode Links:Ocean Series Printables: full lesson guides in  the Nat Theo Club: 4 Faith Website: 4 Faith Mailing List: 4 Faith Podcast: 4 Faith YouTube Channel: CTCMath with a FREE weekly trial: Apologia’s curriculum and classes:’s Swimming Creatures Zoology Curriculum: Eryn's book, Rooted in Wonder: Nurturing Your Family's Faith Through God's Creation: Referenced in This Episode:“A person lives not on bread alone, but by everything God says.” Matthew 4:4 (NCV)“Jesus answered, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. The only way to the Father is through me.’” John 14:6 (NCV)“But when the Spirit of truth comes, he will lead you into all truth. He will not speak his own words, but he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is to come.” John 16:13 (NCV)Terms Learned in This Episode:Ichthys: FishChondrichthyes: Cartilaginous fish. Fish with cartilage instead of bones.Cartilage: Strong tissue that is flexible. Protects and supports bones and joints. Human noses and ears are made from cartilage.Dermal Denticle: Shark teeth which are not made of bone.Enamel: Hard protective layer around bone or cartilage. Human teeth are covered in enamel. It is the hardest substance in a human body.Buccal Ventilation: A method some sharks use to breathe. They use muscles in their cheeks to draw water in and push it past gills, which take in oxygen from the water. Sharks that use this can breathe while not moving.Ram Ventilation: A method some sharks use to breathe while swimming with their mouths open, so water rushes over their gills.Electroreception: The ability in animals to sense electrical currents and fields.Ichthyologist: A scientist who studies fish.Ampullae of Lorenzini: Jelly-filled sacs (pores) that allow a shark to sense the electrical field and find food using electrical currents.Cephalization: When sensory organs are concentrated on the font of the body or face.Lateral Line: A line down the center of fish on both sides containing sensory organs. Fish use
Oct 8, 2024
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (57)

Join Master Naturalist, Bible teacher and author Eryn Lynum as we explore God's Word and his created world!What can a bird's migration teach us about God's guidance in our life? How can counting tree rings help us understand our life story? How can a milkweed plant help us cut off toxic thoughts and think about everything lovely and true?God's wild wonderful world is full of amazing life lessons. As we get outside and adventure through creation, we'll discover how deep and wide the Father's love is for us!Each episode of The Nat Theo Nature Lessons podcast teaches God's truth through visuals in nature. Nat = Natural, Theo = Theology. Where kids dive into the study of Natural Theology—discovering God through nature!