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Owning Your Own Story with Lauren Sisler


Owning Your Own Story with Lauren Sisler

FromUnder the Influence with Jo Piazza


Owning Your Own Story with Lauren Sisler

FromUnder the Influence with Jo Piazza

45 minutes
Oct 3, 2024
Podcast episode


Lauren Sisler’s journey of overcoming the shame of losing her parents to opioid addiction hasn’t been easy, but she has allowed it to give her purpose and help her find resilience. In her new book Shatterproof the ESPN sideline reporter details how her mother and father died within hours of each other, victims of their hidden battle with prescription drug addiction. Today we're talking about her path to writing that book and letting go of the shame of her parents' story so that she can honor their memories.
A few things we cover in this episode:

Your story is what ultimately helps you find purpose.

It's important to own every single chapter of your life.

The journey of healing is not linear.

Shame can prevent us from asking important questions.

Stories have the power to inspire and create change.

We often hide our struggles to fit societal norms.

Finding purpose can come from sharing our pain.

Follow Lauren on Instagram here.
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Oct 3, 2024
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Under the Influence is a deep dive into social media, a place haunted by aspirational marketing where it feels like every other person is a social media influencer trying to sell you something, all while posed in perfect houses that never seem to get messy. And behind this airbrushed perfection is money, so much money. Billions and billions of dollars. Journalist and mom Jo Piazza looks at how we got here, what it all means and how the commodification of every single aspect of our lives is driving everyone (but mostly women and mothers) a little insane.