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Worldwide Digital ID Framework for the Mark and Image of the Beast (Program 1)


Worldwide Digital ID Framework for the Mark and Image of the Beast (Program 1)

FromAncient Roads: Real Israel Talk Radio


Worldwide Digital ID Framework for the Mark and Image of the Beast (Program 1)

FromAncient Roads: Real Israel Talk Radio

50 minutes
Aug 2, 2024
Podcast episode


Please, feel free to send a text message here and give us feedback. Also, you may send a text msg or leave voicemail (425) 550-6670A new Australian Digital ID legislation was passed into Law through the Parliament in Canberra in the latter weeks of May 2024. This new law, which comes into effect on December 1, 2024, is not predominantly a digital identification scheme to acquire public and private sector goods and services securely and conveniently. Many governments worldwide are registering for the program, under duress, if they wish to function and trade in the global commerce landscape. The UN is an international political body founded in 1945. Its charter slogan is: “Peace, dignity, and equality on a healthy planet.” The organization has evolved over the years to keep pace with a rapidly changing world. However, one thing has stayed the same: it remains the one place on Earth with a special status and a large dedicated building in New York City, USA, where the world’s nation leaders can gather, discuss common problems, and find solutions that benefit all humanity. On July 1, 2021, the UN officially made available a 257-page published work, “Remaking the World—The Age of Global Enlightenment.” The book is a collaboration between the Boston Global Forum (BGF) and the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI), which are divisions of the United Nations. The UN maintains an agenda with an embedded spiritual component describing a remaking or re-creating of the world based on Genesis 1:1-3 and 1:26 but calling their new world an “Age of Global Enlightenment.”Join me here for season 5 and episode 157 of Real Israel Talk Radio as I will speak about 1) The coming storm of 2025/26 and what you need to know about it. 2) The spiritual anatomy of the Mark and the Image of the Beast. Support the Show.
Aug 2, 2024
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

NOTICE: New weekly podcasts are NOT being produced at this present time. I am taking some much-needed time off to focus on my personal relationship with Yehovah and my family. Thanks so much for understanding. Yah willing, I shall return when I am supposed to return. In the meantime, I have archived well over 100 programs, each at 50-minutes from the previous two years beginning January 2020. ABOUT THIS PODCAST: In speaking about Israel, there is a physical and material State that was voted into legal existence on November 29, 1947, and then politically declared to be the State of Israel on May 14, 1948. However, there is yet another Israel that very few are even aware of. This is a spiritual entity represented by the God of Israel (יהוה) in the biblical Hebrew narratives of Tanakh (The Torah, the Prophets, the Writings) and HaBrit HaChadasha (The New Testament) writings as "My People." This holy entity is not specifically about Jews or non-Jews (i.e., "Gentiles"). This is a spiritually Holy and Separated Torah People, a Nation, a Messianic Light to the world. In this weekly podcast, I have much to say about these "born from above" people as Yeshua (Jesus) spoke about. In this podcast, I address a number of spiritual issues relating to the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (Genesis 2:17 and Chapter 3), The Tree of Life (Genesis 2:9; 2:17), the Law of Moses -- the Torah; the New Covenant or New Testament; and how all the biblical and theological terminology should be understood and how the biblical Hebraic concepts can be applied to our everyday life.