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Longlegs Long Legs (2024)


Longlegs Long Legs (2024)

FromMovie Deputy REVIEWS


Longlegs Long Legs (2024)

FromMovie Deputy REVIEWS

9 minutes
Jul 14, 2024
Podcast episode


This highly anticipated story lives up to what it promises, but it may not be what you expect. 
You're dirty sweet and you're my girl - t Rex 1971, zilgi, pcm 5s3, 3525 address, Lee Harker, half psychic is better than not psychic at all, ruby Carter, Anna Carter, stood upon the sand of the sea,  down low too slow,  Georgina Bryce, nine circles of hell, camera family farm,  Carrie Anne camera, happy as peaches,  Dale Ferdinand cobble, Mr downstairs,  crimson or clover,  water rock mental institution,  in memory of Don Durban,Pt 1His lettersPt 2All of your thingsPt 3Birthday girls
Jul 14, 2024
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

The reviews that you know and love are brought to you in a different format. If you're new to Movie Deputy, we have typically brought our reviews to you in 300 words or less with no spoilers. That has progressed slightly to an audio format that will give you the same great no-spoiler reviews + extra bonus content that you can choose to continue with. Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy!