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National Catfish Day - June 25th, 2024 | Kid Jokes | Dad Jokes
National Catfish Day - June 25th, 2024 | Kid Jokes | Dad Jokes
4 minutes
Jun 25, 2024
Podcast episode
Send us a funny text!"Learning about catfish and their importance in ecosystems. Let's dive into some humor! After each joke, you’ve got five seconds to reel in the right answer. Listen until the end for today's fishy riddle.1st Joke: Why did the catfish join the band?2nd Joke: Why do catfish always carry sunscreen?3rd Joke: Why did the catfish go to school?4th Joke: Why did the catfish become an artist?5th Joke: What do you call a catfish disaster?Today's Riddle: I flow through valleys, giving life to many. What am I?That's all for our fishy fun. Join us tomorrow for some pedal-powered humor on Bicycle Day!Jokes for Kids, Kid Jokes, Children Jokes, Funny Jokes for Kids, Silly Jokes, School Jokes, Dad Jokes, National Catfish Day Jokes"Subscribe to the daily newsletter. For a limited time we are offering 50% off our Premium Membership to get daily coloring pages, deeper parent content and more! If you want to share your funny bone with the world, submit your joke to us at theticklepickle.com
Jun 25, 2024
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
- 3 min listen