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An Evangelical Answers the Left's Question: How Can Followers of Jesus Support Donald Trump?


An Evangelical Answers the Left's Question: How Can Followers of Jesus Support Donald Trump?

FromLighthouse Faith


An Evangelical Answers the Left's Question: How Can Followers of Jesus Support Donald Trump?

FromLighthouse Faith

41 minutes
Jun 23, 2024
Podcast episode


Author Stephen Strang says it's hypocrisy that mainstream media on the left
skewers Donald Trump's Evangelical supporters, asking the question, 'How can
believers in Jesus Christ support a man known for his philandering?'  Strang,
who's also the founder of Charisma Media, says, "Did we hold Lyndon Baines
Johnson or John Kennedy or Bill Clinton or a bunch of other people up to that
high standard? I don't think so." On this episode of Lighthouse Faith, Strang,
who's the author of "God And Donald Trump", and "Trump Aftershock: The
President’s Seismic Impact On Faith And Culture", talks about Trump's legal
woes, now that he's a convicted felon thanks to New York's District Attorney, and
why Evangelicals still support him. He points out that when Trump was a New
York billionaire Playboy, part of the social scene, attending Chelsea Clinton's
wedding, for instance, he was the darling of the press. But when he got serious
about life, protecting America's borders, joining the Republican Party, and
getting serious about his faith, that's when the media turned on him. Strang is
worried that many of the new Evangelicals are engaged in hero worship of
Trump, but he says most of Trump's supporters are silent, wanting only the right
choice for their communities and the country.

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Jun 23, 2024
Podcast episode

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