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101 - The Candyman Killer: Houston's Nightmare


101 - The Candyman Killer: Houston's Nightmare

FromTimesuck with Dan Cummins


101 - The Candyman Killer: Houston's Nightmare

FromTimesuck with Dan Cummins

108 minutes
Aug 20, 2018
Podcast episode


Dean Arnold Corll. The Candyman Killer. A Texas momma’s boy who first made friends with local kids by handing out candy from his family’s Houston candy store like the absolute creep he was. A man who then groomed a teen boy to be his murder, rape, and torture accomplice and then convinced a second teen boy to also help them; a second boy who would eventually shoot Dean dead. Before getting shot, Dean killed at least twenty-nine Houston area teens between 1970 and 1973, most dying just about the worst death imaginable on his homemade “torture board”. This monster was America's most prolific serial killer at the time of his death and we explore the events surrounding his life and terrible deeds on another true crime edition of Timesuck.
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Aug 20, 2018
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Each week, Dan Cummins enthusiastically deep dives into everything from cults to killers to conspiracies, absurdly and sarcastically sharing the best of what he uncovers with you. Join the Cult of the Curious!