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Why Did God Put Difficult People in My Church? (Jamie Dunlop)


Why Did God Put Difficult People in My Church? (Jamie Dunlop)

FromThe Crossway Podcast


Why Did God Put Difficult People in My Church? (Jamie Dunlop)

FromThe Crossway Podcast

40 minutes
Jun 3, 2024
Podcast episode


In this episode, Jamie Dunlop shares why being in a church with people you disagree with brings glory to God.
Jamie Dunlop serves as an associate pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church. He is also the author of 'Love the Ones Who Drive You Crazy: Eight Truths for Pursuing Unity in Your Church'.

Read the full transcript of this episode.

❖ Listen to “Gracefully Dealing with Doctrinal Disagreement” with Gavin Ortlund:
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Jun 3, 2024
Podcast episode

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This is The Crossway Podcast, a show where we sit down with authors each week for thoughtful interviews about the Bible, theology, church history, and the Christian life.