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Parshas Emor, Legacy of Holiness


Parshas Emor, Legacy of Holiness

FromThe Parsha Perspective


Parshas Emor, Legacy of Holiness

FromThe Parsha Perspective

6 minutes
May 16, 2024
Podcast episode


Parshas Emor, Legacy of Holiness
The Parsha Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. 
May G-d protect our brave soldiers. 
May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately. 
The Parsha Perspective is in honor of the Refuah Shlema of HaRav Amitai Ben Shoshanna and those who need to experience a speedy and complete recovery with G-d's help. 
This week's Parsha Perspective is in loving memory of Hinda Bas Udl, Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.
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Our Parsha begins with the law that is applicable to this very day, the commandment that a Kohen must remain Tahor—ritually pure—at all times. 
A Kohen may not come in contact with a human corpse or attend funerals, with one exception.
We find out why the Torah repeats who is designated to serve in the Mishkan. 
We learn how we continue the Legacy of those who came before us.
May 16, 2024
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

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