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Vestibular system and its impact on learning and academics: S1 E7


Vestibular system and its impact on learning and academics: S1 E7

FromTier 1 Interventions


Vestibular system and its impact on learning and academics: S1 E7

FromTier 1 Interventions

34 minutes
May 7, 2024
Podcast episode


Vestibular system and its impact on learning and academics.In today's "Tier 1 Interventions" episode, we dive into the fascinating world of proprioception and the vestibular system, exploring their critical roles in educational settings. Hosts Cheri Dotterer and Jonily Zupancic are joined by clients to unravel how these sensory systems impact learning and classroom dynamics. Cheri Dotterer emphasized the crucial role of proprioception and the vestibular system in learning, while several clients shared their takeaways and strategies to help children. The connection between the vestibular system and academic performance is essential to unleash students' full potential.Cheri shared her experience with reading difficulties due to vision impairment and connecting it to her vestibular system and the impact of the open classroom in fifth grade. She shares how addressing vestibular system issues improves focus, reading, and overall well-being. ******************************************************************************This video podcast is NOT sponsored. Some products links are affiliate links, which means if you buy something, we’ll receive a small commission.********************************************************************************RESOURCES/COURSES MENTIONEDTier 1 Interventions Workshops 1,2,3 Non-academic Interventions Workshop  Bundle available until May 10, 2024:              After May 11, 2024: by popular demand Tier 2 Interventions. Repeating the March event on June 4, 2024.********************************************************************************BOOKSMaking Mathineers on Amazon: Brain Body DISconnect Digital Version: On Amazon: books are also available in paperback and hardcover versions. All versions are available wherever books are sold.Math DYSconnected - To be released in 2024.********************************************************************************TIME STAMPSIntroduction to Sensory Systems in EducationTimestamp: 00:00:07 - 00:01:53Description: This is an introduction to the episode and an overview of the importance of proprioception and the vestibular system in learning.Deep Dive into ProprioceptionTimestamp: 00:01:53 - 00:04:14Description: Cheri discusses the proprioceptive system, explaining its role in muscle and joint coordination and its impact on educational activities.Practical Demonstration of Vestibular EffectsTimestamp: 00:04:14 - 00:05:00Description: This interactive segment is where listeners are guided through exercises to experience the effects of vestibular activities.Discussion on Classroom StrategiesTimestamp: 00:05:00 - 00:09:43Description: Strategies for incorporating vestibular and proprioceptive activities into classroom routines to support student learning.Inclusive Education and sensory processingTimestamp: 00:09:43 - 00:12:24Description: Exploring how understanding sensory systems can lead to more inclusive education practices and better support for students with sensory integration challenges.Q&A and Real-world ApplicationsTimestamp: 00:12:24 - 00:18:00Description: Questions from the audience and examples of applying sensory integration techniques in various educational contexts.Closing Thoughts and ResourcesTimestamp: 00:18:00 - 00:22:59Description: Final thoughts on the importance of sensory systems in education and additional resources for further learning.*************************************************************************
May 7, 2024
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (30)

Math intervention, writing intervention, neurobiology, and cognitive-based learning - Jonily Zupancic and Cheri Dotterer are sharing how to incorporate them into your classroom. Jonily is a secondary math teacher and instructional coach for math K-12. Cheri is an occupational therapist specializing in neurology-based treatment across the lifespan and a Strategy-based Interventionist. Jonily secretly calls Cheri her Lesson Plan Whisperer because Cheri is always in her head, reminding her of the foundations of development before academics begin. They met in 2018 and have been talking ever since. Together, they have discovered the Miracle Math Classroom. This classroom embeds all math standards from Kindergarten to twelfth grade, plus neuro-based interventions that improve proficiency and boost student engagement. Both gifted and learning support students thrive using the interventions they share, plus all students in between. Using cognitive enhancing techniques strategically placed in the lesson plan, students learn more and enjoy school more, and fewer students get removed from critical instruction for Tier Three Interventions. Jonily has discovered how to teach all Kindergarten through algebra math standards using twelve, that’s right, twelve Reference Tasks. They include the Pizza Problem, 120-Chart, Paper Folding, Making Rectangles, Quick Dots, Locker Problem, Jesse and Kay, Geoboard, Candy Problem, Paint Problem, Staircase, and the Function Machine. Cheri uses Body-Brain Anchors to ignite the flame inside everyone’s brain for learning. Whether a person is five or 90, her strategy-based interventions will ignite that flame. These Brain-Body Anchors include the Handstand Flip, Interlaced Bilateral Integration, and the Body Sentence Alphabet. Together, they connect the puzzle behind math instruction and instructional delivery alongside these cognitive-enhancing activities to maximize math education for all students. Join us live on the third Saturday of the month, sans July, for the math behind the Reference Task. Every live event is approximately 2.5 contact hours. The first 30-ish minutes become this podcast. To hear the entire training, join our membership program. Please note: we will not record on holiday weekends. Join our mailing list for updates on dates. To join us live, register at The 2.5-hour sessions include the PowerPoint slides, additional audio files of Jonily teaching the Reference Task, resources from Cheri, and much more. A subscription to these 2.5-hour Workshops is $97/month or $947/year. Membership includes: *Approximately 27.5 hours of direct training per year *Audio files of Jonily's Hear Me Teach segments - complete *PowerPoint Slides to grab and use in your Magic Math Classroom *Resources from Jonily and Cheri for you and your students *A copy of Math DYSconnected when released. Or, you can listen to the first segment on your favorite podcast app for free; no membership is required. No matter how you listen, you will come away with golden nuggets that will transform your classroom. Reach out to Jonily: [email protected] Reach out to Cheri: [email protected]