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Demons & Infernal Spirits


Demons & Infernal Spirits

FromWhat Magic Is This?


Demons & Infernal Spirits

FromWhat Magic Is This?

118 minutes
Apr 19, 2024
Podcast episode


If there is one single concept which has been associated with Magic for the last 2000 years, none would be more notorious than Demons & Infernal Spirits. For centuries, the idea of illness, misfortune and all aspects of evil have been personified as a class of spirits. How they are conceptualized by different religions and spiritual traditions is fascinating and in a way- the key to understanding these faiths and how they view evil. Everyone has an idea in their head as to what demons are or if they even exist. It is time to put them front and centre as we look closer at these agents of malevolence.
Apr 19, 2024
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

What Magic is This? is a topic based podcast about Magic, the Occult, the Esoteric, the Paranormal, the Supernatural and the Weird. Each episode revolves around one single topic in the hope that we can flesh out the things one needs to know about it. For those curious about Magic and the strange world in any way, these episodes should provide an invigorating introduction.