Earth's dimensions - Shamballa - Initiations by This is The SANAT KUMARAratings:
13 minutes
Mar 8, 2024
Podcast episode
00:00 Chant
00:50 Introduction
01:13 Governance
03:08 Change
04:43 An uncomfortable truth
07:04 What questions lead us here and where are we going?
10:30 Revealing our history going forward
12:03 Next week’s lecture
12:18 Chant
CONTACT for more detailed information: www.namasyouniversity.org
Earth, as you know it, is becoming undone. Earth enters a new cycle of life. This SHIFT from the 3rd to and through the 5th dimension takes place between 2012 and 2032. As of 2021 this transformation has accelerated, and many feel it. The old world is collapsing each day more and the new one seems unclear to most. The SHIFT allows Earth to fulfill its mission in our galaxy and each living being on Earth to live up to its highest potential during this incarnation. For humans, it is the shift from egoistic self-centered separation outperforming and overpowering others to soul guided unity with all life perceivable. The SHIFT requires a soul guided move to understanding one’s mission(s) as well as feeling and showing compassion. You move into oneness with all of creation in all dimensions in the light of our divine connection.
Our study materials help you to accelerate your personal transformation. We can offer you soul connecting and energy filled touching chants, portals to the SANAT KUMARA and LORD GENESHA, stories which are not so fictional but ones that reflect true events but also, affirmations and invocations to higher guidance, as well as textbooks with up-to-date knowledge and wisdom that is not found elsewhere.
LIGHTLANGUAGE (available at https://katharinaadari.com/index.php/unity-chant/
Unity Chant
ENGLISH (e-books on Amazon)
The Chronicles of SANAT KUMARA (volumes 1 to 3: I am Ready – God’s Station in Aachen Cathedral – Unity at the Vatican)
GOD SHIVA Conveys: The Reemergence of Atlantis
The SANAT KUMARA – Affirmations, Invocations and Insights for the Ambassadors of Light
The SANAT KUMARA – A Visual Consciousness Expanding Meditation
The AMAYA Mysteries – Otherworldly Short Stories of Earth’s Energies, Places and Beings
GERMAN (e-books on Amazon)
Die Chroniken des SANAT KUMARA (Band 1 -3: Ich bin bereit – Gottes Station im Aachener Dom – Einheit im Vatikan)
Spirituell geführt sein - Affirmationen, Anrufungen & Aquarelle für Ihren Weg (auch bei Apple Books)
Die AMAYA-Mysterien (Band1) – Andersweltliche Kurzgeschichten von Energien, Orten und Wesen der Erde
HINDI (e-books on Amazon)
शिव के बोल अटलांटिस की वापसी
संकल्प, आह्वान और अंतर्दृष्टि
प्रकाश के दूतो के लिए
RUSSIAN (e-book on Apple and Google Books)
САНАТ КУМАРА - Аффирмации, Призывы и Озарения для Послов Света
Тайны Амайи
Короткие истории из потустороннего мира об
энергиях, местах силы и существах Земли
Том первый
PORTALS are available through www.thesanatkumara.com
To the SANAT KUMARA (acrylic on canvas and watercolors)
LORD GANESHA (soft pastels)
English Study Group (International):
00:50 Introduction
01:13 Governance
03:08 Change
04:43 An uncomfortable truth
07:04 What questions lead us here and where are we going?
10:30 Revealing our history going forward
12:03 Next week’s lecture
12:18 Chant
CONTACT for more detailed information: www.namasyouniversity.org
Earth, as you know it, is becoming undone. Earth enters a new cycle of life. This SHIFT from the 3rd to and through the 5th dimension takes place between 2012 and 2032. As of 2021 this transformation has accelerated, and many feel it. The old world is collapsing each day more and the new one seems unclear to most. The SHIFT allows Earth to fulfill its mission in our galaxy and each living being on Earth to live up to its highest potential during this incarnation. For humans, it is the shift from egoistic self-centered separation outperforming and overpowering others to soul guided unity with all life perceivable. The SHIFT requires a soul guided move to understanding one’s mission(s) as well as feeling and showing compassion. You move into oneness with all of creation in all dimensions in the light of our divine connection.
Our study materials help you to accelerate your personal transformation. We can offer you soul connecting and energy filled touching chants, portals to the SANAT KUMARA and LORD GENESHA, stories which are not so fictional but ones that reflect true events but also, affirmations and invocations to higher guidance, as well as textbooks with up-to-date knowledge and wisdom that is not found elsewhere.
LIGHTLANGUAGE (available at https://katharinaadari.com/index.php/unity-chant/
Unity Chant
ENGLISH (e-books on Amazon)
The Chronicles of SANAT KUMARA (volumes 1 to 3: I am Ready – God’s Station in Aachen Cathedral – Unity at the Vatican)
GOD SHIVA Conveys: The Reemergence of Atlantis
The SANAT KUMARA – Affirmations, Invocations and Insights for the Ambassadors of Light
The SANAT KUMARA – A Visual Consciousness Expanding Meditation
The AMAYA Mysteries – Otherworldly Short Stories of Earth’s Energies, Places and Beings
GERMAN (e-books on Amazon)
Die Chroniken des SANAT KUMARA (Band 1 -3: Ich bin bereit – Gottes Station im Aachener Dom – Einheit im Vatikan)
Spirituell geführt sein - Affirmationen, Anrufungen & Aquarelle für Ihren Weg (auch bei Apple Books)
Die AMAYA-Mysterien (Band1) – Andersweltliche Kurzgeschichten von Energien, Orten und Wesen der Erde
HINDI (e-books on Amazon)
शिव के बोल अटलांटिस की वापसी
संकल्प, आह्वान और अंतर्दृष्टि
प्रकाश के दूतो के लिए
RUSSIAN (e-book on Apple and Google Books)
САНАТ КУМАРА - Аффирмации, Призывы и Озарения для Послов Света
Тайны Амайи
Короткие истории из потустороннего мира об
энергиях, местах силы и существах Земли
Том первый
PORTALS are available through www.thesanatkumara.com
To the SANAT KUMARA (acrylic on canvas and watercolors)
LORD GANESHA (soft pastels)
English Study Group (International):
Mar 8, 2024
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
- 19 min listen