2 Ways to Take Your Power Back When You Feel Insecure: How do you find your power when life knocks you down? What do you do when you are in the middle of an emotional tsunami? How do you respond when the universe is testing you? This is the ultimate episode about resilience, confidence, and taking your power back. Yes, you can take control with simple tools whenever you feel that insecurity spiral kick in. You can pick yourself up, shake off the sh*t, and you can make it a win for you. In this episode, I take you into my life as my 22-year-old daughter gets news that sent her spiraling: her ex was now interested in one of her friends. This episode unfolds live, over the phone, in real-time, and it is about way more than dealing with heartbreak. This is for everyone, including you. This is about how you can make those moments of insecurity a win. It’s about finding your confidence when self-doubt comes in. It’s about getting your power back. And this is also ab by The Mel Robbins PodcastUNLIMITED
Signs You’re Dealing With a Narcissist (New Research From World-Leading Expert Dr. Ramani)
Signs You’re Dealing With a Narcissist (New Research From World-Leading Expert Dr. Ramani)
87 minutes
Feb 15, 2024
Podcast episode
Today’s episode is a masterclass in narcissism. If you want to know how to protect yourself from a narcissist, you first have to know how to identify one. You’ll learn the top 10 personality traits to look for, how to handle a narcissist in your life (that you can’t avoid), the difference between ‘love bombing’ and infatuation, and a whole lot more. Joining Mel today is Dr. Ramani Durvasula, a clinical psychologist and one of the world’s leading experts on narcissism. Her mastery of all things narcissism has made her the #1 most requested guest on The Mel Robbins Podcast. Dr. Ramani has been researching this topic for over 20 years and is here to give you the wisdom, practical advice, and well-researched tools and tricks to navigate what is one of the most unpredictable experiences: being in a relationship with a narcissist. According to Dr. Ramani, 1 in 5 people has narcissist traits, which means you know (and may love) someone who is a narcissist. After you listen, you’ll know what to do. For more resources, including links to Dr. Ramani’s book, website, and social media platforms, click here for the podcast episode page. Follow Mel: Get Mel’s free 29-page workbook to make this your best yearWatch the episodes on YouTubeFollow Mel on Instagram The Mel Robbins Podcast InstagramMel's TikTok Sign up for Mel’s newsletter Disclaimer
Feb 15, 2024
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
- 54 min listen