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79. Satan was in Eden too


79. Satan was in Eden too

FromI just want to talk about the Bible


79. Satan was in Eden too

FromI just want to talk about the Bible

41 minutes
Jan 15, 2024
Podcast episode


In this episode we talk look at the reality of the spiritual realm and consider one component with regard to identifying the origin of thoughts.Other podcast episodes referenced in this one:Episode 24: The GospelEpisode 77: Fullness of joyListen to the sermon by J. D. Greear that I mentionedHere is the J. D. Greear Quote:"When the Holy Spirit, your real Shepherd speaks, it's in the context of hope. Yes, He will convict you of sin, but when He does, it is redemptive. He identifies what He wants you to change, He gives you a plan to do it, and He assures you of His ability to accomplish it through your life. His voice leads to clarity, and love, and life. When one of the demonic realm speaks to you with a fiery dart, it is in the context of condemnation and despair. It is never clear what they want you to change, there is certainly no hope or no redemption in it. The voice just screams hopelessness and despair.…When our enemy speaks, it has the soundtrack of death, and defeat, and confusion, and despair. When Jesus speaks, it is filled with invitation, and clarity, and love, and hope. Any voice leading you to confusion and despair is your enemy's voice, even if it's using valid questions or pointing out true facts.…My shepherd never leads to confusion and darkness. He leads only to life. Even if Satan is pointing out true things in your life, if it's leading you to despair, recognize that as his voice and resist it.…In your life, the voice of despair is the voice of Satan and never the voice of the Holy Spirit."Scriptures referenced:Psalm 127:1Matthew 10:282 Kings 6:8-17James 1:5Ephesians 6:10-13James 4:71 Peter 5:8-9Ephesians 4:26-27Luke 10:17-20Revelation 12:7-112 Corinthians 2:5-111 Timothy 4:1-22 Corinthians 11:13-151 Corinthians 10:13Psalm 91:11-12Hebrews 1:14Matthew 26:51-54Hebrews 13:2John 4:24Romans 8:28Genesis 1-3Genesis 1:27-28John 10:27Matthew 4:5-7Luke 4:132 Kings 3:5-10James 4:6Judges 6:36-40Galatians 6:2John 10:10aAs a reminder,  if you gave to this ministry in 2023 and didn't receive an email with your contribution records for when you file taxes, please email us at [email protected], and we will get it sorted out! Thanks again!Support the showIf you feel so led, you can support the podcast by clicking HERE or by clicking the "Support the show" button above. I Just Want to Talk about the Bible is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, which means that any donations made are tax-deductible. Thank you so much for giving as the Lord leads!Take care!
Jan 15, 2024
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Everything we discuss on this podcast is in some way connected to the Scriptures and will hopefully encourage you with your walk with the Lord as well as answer questions you may have.