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Grey Hair Hacks and Slowing Aging with Leslie Kenny


Grey Hair Hacks and Slowing Aging with Leslie Kenny

FromThe School of Radiance with Rachel Varga


Grey Hair Hacks and Slowing Aging with Leslie Kenny

FromThe School of Radiance with Rachel Varga

54 minutes
Jan 6, 2024
Podcast episode


How can we tackle greys - naturally? What is the latest research on extending our lifespan while looking and feeling our best?Learn more about today's guest Leslie Kenny and purchase PRIMEADINE with code RACHEL at more about Leslie KennyOxford Healthspan was founded by Leslie Kenny, a Southern Californian entrepreneur and graduate of both Berkeley and Harvard, whose life was turned upside down when she was diagnosed with lupus and rheumatoid arthritis in her 30s. When her doctors told her lupus had a life expectancy of five years and that RA could only be managed, not cured, she set out to optimize her health as best she could with safe, natural solutions.She went back to school at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in NYC, became a Bulletproof coach under health pioneer Dave Asprey, and took on health coaching clients worldwide.At the same time, she began helping life science academics at European universities, including Oxford (where she lives), to raise money for their discoveries. At a meeting with one such scientist, she learned about a natural compound called spermidine, abundant in nattō, a traditional Japanese dish that she had grown up with. Spermidine was showing great promise supporting health as we age.The science was compelling – one scientist even called it “an anti-aging vitamin” in a published scientific journal – and it was safe. Still, because it was natural, food-derived, and not a drug that would bring in more money, no one was interested in promoting it.Leslie immediately wanted her octogenarian mother back home in California to take it – especially since nattō is very hard to come by (it's pretty smelly, for one thing!) Unfortunately, spermidine wasn't available in the US (or really even known there). Spotting this unmet need, she decided to bring it to the US herself.Today, at age 57, Leslie is living proof that we can get better with age, so long as we take responsibility for our health and meet our doctors halfway.Spermidine is part of her anti-aging arsenal, and she hopes it will become part of yours too.Ways to work with Rachel Varga!FREE 30-minute Biohacking For Ageless Beauty Training! Radiance: The New Skin Science on Audible!Book a One-on-one with Rachel Varga for customized skin care, rejuvenation guidance, and ongoing support! and use code Podcast15!Shop skincare, make-up, hair/skin/nail supplements, grooming tools, dermal rollers, and much more! for my next weekly LIVE and FREE Masterclass on various topics where I answer your questions! The video replays (which are highly interactive) are available on my skin shop for a small fee here!Join Seasonal Skincare Expert Tutorials on skincare, makeup, hair care (and growth), biohacking, clean peels, pre and post-rejuvenation tips, dermal rolling, and advanced at-home technologies for the face and body! The School of Radiance Membership for your personal radiant transformation by cultivating resilient radiance through detoxing from environmental toxins, enhancing communication, enhancing relationships, etiquette, and much more: a disclaimer, please note that the information shared in this podcast and interview is not to be taken as medical advice, and it's always important to consult with your physician before making any lifestyle changes. Rachel disclaims any responsibility for inaccurate credentials of guests or information used that may cause harm.Thank you for tuning in to this episode of The School of Radiance with Rachel Varga (formerly The Rachel Varga Podcast and The Always Radiant Skin Podcast)!Rachel [email protected] Privacy Policy at and
Jan 6, 2024
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

You are invited to join me on The Rachel Varga Podcast for all things skin health and slowing aging using my Holistic Science of Beauty Method! We learn to integrate various body, mind, spirit and energy practices to allow us be our most vibrant and radiant versions.We dive into topics like skin care, dermarolling, skin rejuvenation options, functional insights, biohacking and much more for slowing aging! Let us learn to utilize various tools to purify ourselves and our environments to give us our best chance possible to live our best lives and to beautifully impact people, places and things around us.Do you have a question from today's show? I invite YOU to email me at [email protected]!DOWNLOAD my FREE 9 Keys For Skin Health and Slowing Cellular Aging Guide at YOUR ONE ON ONE Skin and Rejuvenation Consultation with Rachel Varga at and use promocode PODCAST15 to save!PURCHASE a copy of my eBook Unlocking Your Vitality! Learn more about my Holistic Science of Beauty Method at my top skin care products, dermarollers, hair care, make up, supplements and more at (If you're looking for customized skin care guidance for you, I invite you to book your One on One session with me!BIOHACKING is one of my favorite ways to optimize skin health and slow cellular aging. SAVE on my top Biohacking options at (If you're looking for customized skin care and biohacking guidance for you, I invite you to book your One on One session with me!Register for my next Seasonal SkinCamp Program at and let me teach you my LIVE dermal rolling demos, skin care, make up and hair care tutorials and my off-the-cuff and up-to-date insights that I don't share anywhere else! (I recommend starting with a One on One session with me, and then registering for at least one SkinCamp to build on your knowledge with me! VIP registrants SAVE 15% on all skin care, dermal rollers, hair/skin/nail supplements and much more!MASTERCLASSES are happening soon! I invite you to join me in my next Masterclass and be sure to register here for my next MasterClass invitation! a Double Board Certified Aesthetic Nurse Specialist since 2011 with over 20,000 rejuvenation treatments performed on thousands of patients. I offer guidance through education on skin, rejuvenation practices/treatments, and achieving overall wellness in the areas of spirit, mind, body and beauty. I would love to hear from YOU! Rachel Varga, BScN, RN, CANS Email: [email protected]: Information in this podcast and interview is not to be taken as medical advice, and always consult with your Physician before making any lifestyle changes. The material shared by guests in this podcast is not the opinion of Rachel Varga, and disclaims any responsibility of inaccurate credentials of guests or information used that may cause harm. Always consult with your licensed Physician before any lifestyle modifications.