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Episode #611: The Ducks Are Coming!


Episode #611: The Ducks Are Coming!

FromThe Starting Zone: The World of Warcraft Podcast!


Episode #611: The Ducks Are Coming!

FromThe Starting Zone: The World of Warcraft Podcast!

108 minutes
Dec 29, 2023
Podcast episode


Welcome to The Starting Zone Podcast, The World of Warcraft Podcast for New and Experienced Players! This week Spencer Downey and Jason Lucas discuss Winterveil, SoD, Council of Dreams and Larodar Guides, Hotfixes and everything going on around Azeroth and The Dragon Isles! Episode #611: The Ducks Are Coming! What’s New this Week in World of Warcraft! Weekly Event - Battleground Bonus Event 10. 2 World Boss - Aurostor, the Hibernator 441 ilvl Loot PvP Brawl - Comp Stomp Mythic + Affixes Fortified Afflicted Raging Feast of Winterveil - December 16th to January 2nd Fireworks Celebration Ring in the New Year with the January Trading Post Raid Boss Guides - Council of Dreams and Larodar, Keeper of the Flame PTR Development Notes Hotfixes ABetterABK Strike Fund and much more! You can find us on Discord at The Starting Zone or email us at [email protected] Have you heard about our Patreon? It’s a great way to support the show and goes towards making more content for you! Check it out here: Looking for to grab some great TSZ merch? Look no further than here! We’ve got the shirts, hoodies, mugs, pillows even stickers you want!
Dec 29, 2023
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

The Starting Zone is The World of Warcraft Podcast for New and Experienced Players! Hosted by Spencer Downey and Jason Lucas, it includes content for players of all skill and experience levels. So whether you enjoy World of Warcraft raiding, PvP, or are rolling a toon for the very first time, we think you’ll really enjoy The Starting Zone: The World of Warcraft Podcast! The show started in 2009 with co-hosts Jesse Kobayashi and Mick Montgomery sharing helpful tips on how to play World of Warcraft. The show was very popular in its first year cracking the top 20 iTunes podcasts for World of Warcraft while also being featured in the New and Notable section upon its debut! Currently The Starting Zone is in the top 10 World of Warcraft podcasts on iTunes and enjoying its largest subscription rate to date! The Starting Zone is produced by Spazbot Studios! Good Shows By Good People! Visit them today!