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Training Zones for the AGING Endurance Athlete


Training Zones for the AGING Endurance Athlete

FromThe Coach Debbie Potts Show


Training Zones for the AGING Endurance Athlete

FromThe Coach Debbie Potts Show

41 minutes
Dec 28, 2023
Podcast episode


PNOE is a company that specializes in metabolic testing, and their technology is often used to assess various physiological parameters, including VO2 max, fat metabolism, and training zones. The PNOE system typically employs a portable metabolic analyzer to gather data during exercise. Here's how PNOE tests for these parameters: VO2 Max Testing: VO2 max, or maximal oxygen consumption, is a measure of the maximum amount of oxygen an individual can utilize during intense exercise. PNOE determines VO2 max by analyzing the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide during a graded exercise test. The individual performs an incremental exercise test, usually on a treadmill or a stationary bike, with the intensity gradually increasing. The PNOE metabolic analyzer measures the volume of oxygen consumed and the volume of carbon dioxide produced, allowing for the calculation of VO2 max. Fat Metabolism Testing: PNOE assesses fat metabolism by analyzing the respiratory exchange ratio (RER), which is the ratio of carbon dioxide produced to oxygen consumed. During exercise, the body shifts from predominantly burning fat to carbohydrates as the intensity increases. PNOE can identify the point at which this shift occurs, helping to determine an individual's fat-burning zone. The information obtained from fat metabolism testing can be useful for designing personalized training and nutrition plans. Training Zones: PNOE helps determine individualized training zones based on the metabolic data gathered during testing. Training zones are typically divided into different intensity levels, such as aerobic, anaerobic, and maximal effort zones. These zones are based on the individual's physiological response to exercise, including heart rate, oxygen consumption, and other relevant parameters. Having personalized training zones allows for more effective and efficient exercise programming tailored to an individual's specific fitness level and goals. The PNOE system provides real-time data, allowing fitness professionals, coaches, and individuals to make informed decisions about training intensity, duration, and recovery strategies. This personalized approach can enhance the effectiveness of training programs and help individuals achieve their fitness and performance goals. Check out more on and come visit North San Diego for testing!
Dec 28, 2023
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (96)

Debbie Potts is the host of 'The Low Athlete Podcast', author, speaker and coach. Transform the WHOLE you from the inside out with The WHOLESTIC Method elements. In this podcast, you will gain the knowledge how to burn fat, optimize health (mitochondria!) and improve athletic performance. If you want to be a peak performer in LIFE and SPORTS, then listen in each week to our conversations on all topics to optimize your health and longevity. Do you want to improve your athletic performance AND the aging process at the same time? Debbie will discuss the elements of with "The WHOLESTIC Method" program: 1. Nutrition 2. Exercise 3. Sleep 4. Stress 5. Movement & Mobility 6. Digestion & Gut Health (Immunity!) 7. Hydration 8. Happiness, Play & Gratitude Life is not a Race… it is a journey. Learn from Debbie’s mistakes in over training and being addicted to busyness for too many years. Now she is on a mission to help others living life as a race to avoid burn out and break down at a cellular level. You will learn how to become metabolically flexible fat burner, optimize your health, and improve your performance for athletics- or just the challenges of daily life! More is not better... The GOLDILOCKS Effect is real! Learn from Debbie's mistakes, experiences and education. Stop over training, under recovering and living each day as a race. You will learn when you should slow down to push the 'pause-reset' button to re-calibrate daily! We discuss external stressors and hidden internal stressors that are impacting your ability to burn fat, performance gains and longevity. Men and women are different but also that we are all bio-individuals with different genetic make up, stressors and lifestyles- so there is NOT once size fits all approach to anything! Join the journey and transform the WHOLE you from the inside out with "The WHOLESTIC Method' elements and Coach Debbie Potts. Debbie is committed to following her purpose, passion and mission to helping transform the WHOLE you from the inside out with "The WHOLESTIC Method". Read all about Debbie's journey in her book 'LIFE IS NOT A RACE' and in her 'The WHOLESTIC Method Manual" on Amazon. Contact Debbie to learn about her "health detective" services on Debbie is a certified Kion Coach, Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP) and certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P) - as well as much more! Learn more about Debbie on Debbie Potts Health Coach, Author, Speaker & Podcaster Host of The Low Carb Athlete Podcast The WHOLESTIC Method Coaching Program FNTP, FDN-P, NASM CPT, CHEK HLC, Kion Coach BURN FAT. OPTIMIZE HEALTH. IMPROVE PERFORMANCE.