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"Cannery Row" by John Steinbeck


"Cannery Row" by John Steinbeck

FromNovel Conversations


"Cannery Row" by John Steinbeck

FromNovel Conversations

39 minutes
Oct 14, 2016
Podcast episode


In "Cannery Row," a group of kind-hearted miscreants struggle in their attempts to throw a surprise party for their role model. Listen as Frank Lavallo hosts readers, Scott and Ildi Rich, for a summary and discussion of the novel, "Cannery Row" Then stay tuned for Endnotes with Ted Schwartz for some interesting facts about Steinbeck and the inspiration for his writings.
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Oct 14, 2016
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (95)

Novel Conversations is a podcast summarizing the world’s greatest works of classic literature: you get the whole story from cover to cover. If CliffsNotes had an audio-bestfriend, it would be us! Each episode, Frank Lavallo hosts two readers, and the three of them share their reactions to the story and read their favorite passages along the way. If you're looking for a good story, you're in the right place. *This podcast is a production of the Ohio Film Tax Credit.