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Bonus Episode: ‘Gilmore Girls’


Bonus Episode: ‘Gilmore Girls’

FromThe Dark Academicals


Bonus Episode: ‘Gilmore Girls’

FromThe Dark Academicals

79 minutes
Dec 12, 2023
Podcast episode


There is one TV show that we have discussed, referenced and alluded to throughout the history of The Dark Academicals.

It’s ‘Gilmore Girls’. Obviously.

It’s synonymous with the dark academia seasons, she’s everyone’s favourite bookworm, and everybody has opinions about this show. We couldn’t get any further in The Dark Academicals without dedicating a full, available-to-all episode to one of our favourite shows.

In this episode we discuss:

- The merits of Paris Geller
- The complicated class and social wars of Stars Hollow, Chilton and Yale
- The gross betrayal of Lane Kim
- Dean vs Jess vs Logan - do dark academia love interests and relationships exist?
Dec 12, 2023
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (60)

The podcast where we delve into the mythos of dark academia one book at a time.