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Breakthrough Limits - From Wheelchair Bound To Winning 7 Hollywood Awards with Anna Parker-Naples


Breakthrough Limits - From Wheelchair Bound To Winning 7 Hollywood Awards with Anna Parker-Naples

FromHigh Performance Health


Breakthrough Limits - From Wheelchair Bound To Winning 7 Hollywood Awards with Anna Parker-Naples

FromHigh Performance Health

44 minutes
Dec 16, 2019
Podcast episode


Anna Parker Naples is a Bestselling author, host of top iTunes podcast Entrepreneurs Get Visible, Speaker and Coach, is a successful and award-winning narrator of audiobooks and is the host of the ‘Entrepreneurs Get Visible’ podcast.
She has just published her first book ‘Get Visible’ and shares how the power of mindset has brought her everything she wanted.
Anna began as an actor primarily on the stage but everything changed when after suffering from a condition during pregnancy she was told to not expect to walk again but within
A few years she had not only recovered but was on the red carpet winning or nominated as a finalist for many awards in Hollywood as an outstanding performer.
This transformation came through the power of mindset and Anna now works helping people with personal development within a professional capacity, showing them how they think about themselves and their abilities is what makes the difference as to whether they achieve what they want in life.
It’s about putting yourself out there and making the decision that the things you want are important to you, listen in and find out more.

I saw a hypnotherapist and we undertook a session of NLP - Neuro-linguistic programming.
Bit by bit we unravelled everything I said and I agreed to change the language I was using, how I was talking about myself and what was happening
It’s a very different experience saying a healing sentence rather than a sentence about pain
You are not alone in having self-limiting thoughts it’s really common but those thoughts aren’t true. It’s just that you’ve been thinking them on repeat for many, many years.
Those neuro pathways in your brain are really entrenched.
We are always generalising, deleting and distorting information to fit our own world view.
If you believe you can’t then you will find information to support that you can’t.
If you think you can and choose the words and language to support this then you can.
The real power of NLP, hypnosis, and timeline work is to get past the inner critic.
If you don’t know what you are saying about yourself how can you change?
If you are saying I’m good at this and I’m open to learning then this becomes your experience.
New thoughts build new neural pathways. 
It’s doing the work to discover the events or moment where you decided it was true and looking at the different decisions you could have made.
In our casual speech, we denigrate ourselves over and over and that impacts our lives in a massive way.
Getting to the point of understanding, when you began to think in this way, enables you to change your self-limiting belief for something positive.

‘In that conversation, I started to take responsibility for how I felt’
‘Not only did I recover physically but I uncovered so much about myself’
‘Within a short space of time, I started to feel better and more optimistic’
‘This is why witnesses to the same event all report seeing something different, we all process the world in different ways’
High Performance Health podcast series
Get Visible: How to have more impact, influence & income book by Anna Parker-Naples
Entrepreneurs Get Visible podcast
The Artist's Way book by Julia Cameron
The Slight Edge book by Jeff Olson
Anna Parker-Naples is a Bestselling author, host of top iTunes podcast Entrepreneurs Get Visible, Speaker and Coach. After being told she may never walk again, Anna discovered NLP and mindset work and began to transform her life. Within a few years not only had she recovered but was on the red carpets in Hollywood at the top of her niche. Now she teaches others how to get visible in their industries to create the impact and authority they want for their business and personal fulfilment, specifically through getting visible as an authority in their field and the strategic use of podcasting.
Apple iTunes:
Dec 16, 2019
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

The High-Performance Health Podcast is all about optimising your body, mind and lifestyle for high performance.  Packed full of actionable insights, strategies, bio hacks, lifestyle hacks, mindset strategies and expert performance advice, Angela Foster is on a mission to optimise your human potential. Featuring interviews with some of the top experts on the planet in the fields of health, performance and business, this show aims to inspire, educate and empower you to live an energetic, healthful and limitless life.