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John 3:16: Should Not Perish, but Have Everlasting Life


John 3:16: Should Not Perish, but Have Everlasting Life

FromBack to the Bible Canada with Dr. John Neufeld


John 3:16: Should Not Perish, but Have Everlasting Life

FromBack to the Bible Canada with Dr. John Neufeld

24 minutes
Feb 3, 2023
Podcast episode


There are couplets that have to be understood together. Up and down. Good and bad. Life and death.We can't understand one without understanding the other. In today's message, Dr. John speaks of eternal life and eternal death. We need to recognize both truths as we come to Jesus Christ for deliverance. John 3:16: The things we think we know lose our attention. If you have driven a route often, you don’t notice the scenery. There is no Scripture more readily quoted or recognized than John 3:16. In this series, Dr. John walks us through gospel truths we probably have heard before. You are invited to be refreshed and renewed in the simple message of God's love; Jesus' sacrifice and our saving faith.
Feb 3, 2023
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Daily Bible teaching with Dr. John Neufeld from Back to the Bible Canada.