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053: Don’t Mention Culture When Talking About Culture; Tim Kuppler


053: Don’t Mention Culture When Talking About Culture; Tim Kuppler

FromCultural Differences & Cultural Diversity in International Business


053: Don’t Mention Culture When Talking About Culture; Tim Kuppler

FromCultural Differences & Cultural Diversity in International Business

32 minutes
Feb 1, 2016
Podcast episode


About This Week's Guest
Tim Kuppler

Tim is the Director of Culture & Organization Development with Human Synergistics. He also founded which features insights from top culture experts. He led major performance and culture transformations regionally and globally as an automotive supplier executive so he has loads of practical experience.  He now collaborates with many culture experts and focuses on driving meaningful change in the world through culture awareness, education, and action.

His three tips to become more culturally competent are:

Understand Culture Fundamentals from the top expert in the world.
Commit to a personal and organisational learning journey. If you're changing your organisational culture it is not a one-time effort.
You have to connect your first initiatives to either a top problem, challenge or goal.

Interview Links
Links that are mentioned in this episode:

Human Synergistics Website:
Human Synergistics Blog:

Build Your Cultural Competence
In the Culture Matters podcast, we interview real people with real stories.

Every other week there is a guest with broad international experience and lots of cultural insights. I interview real people with real stories.

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Thank you so much for taking the time to read this far, and to listen to my Podcast.

I hope you will be back for the next episode of the Culture Matters Podcast!
Feb 1, 2016
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Culture Matters when you’re working Internationally. International Business requires Cultural Competence. That’s what we’ll talk about during these podcasts.