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Leveraging Thought Leadership With Peter Winick - Episode 17 - Shannon Huffman Polson


Leveraging Thought Leadership With Peter Winick - Episode 17 - Shannon Huffman Polson

FromLeveraging Thought Leadership


Leveraging Thought Leadership With Peter Winick - Episode 17 - Shannon Huffman Polson

FromLeveraging Thought Leadership

22 minutes
May 15, 2018
Podcast episode


Shannon Huffman Polson joins Peter to discuss her journey from serving as one of the first female Apache pilot in the US Armed Service to running a business group at Microsoft to authoring a memoir and business book. She shares the advantages of working with Peter and Thought Leadership Leverage to develop her business model (and gives a glowing review).  Shannon discusses developing her diverse product offering beyond keynote speaking and creating a hub for the content: The Grit Institute. Shannon shares her experience investing in the right mix of products (for her and her clients), targeting and segmenting the audience, and the entrepreneurial spirit at work as a thought leader.   
May 15, 2018
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Join Peter Winick and Bill Sherman as they host the Leveraging Thought Leadership podcast–a podcast devoted to the business of thought leadership. Peter explores the world how independent thought leaders bring their ideas to scale within the business world. His guests include professional keynote speakers, business book authors, specialty consultants, and business-school academics. Bill investigates the evolving world of organizational thought leadership. His guests include professionals who create, curate, and deploy thought leadership on their organization’s behalf. Throughout the series, Peter and Bill uncover and discuss trends in thought leadership: strategy, technology, and modality. Listen in as they share best practices for creating value, impact, and revenue through thought leadership.