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Cancer, IV Drips, and the Glutathione Vitamin C Connection


Cancer, IV Drips, and the Glutathione Vitamin C Connection

FromMastering Nutrition


Cancer, IV Drips, and the Glutathione Vitamin C Connection

FromMastering Nutrition

2 minutes
Nov 6, 2023
Podcast episode


Is high-dose vitamin C good for you?   High-dose intravenous vitamin C can selectively kill cancer cells in live patients and can save sepsis patients from dying, but it acts as a pro-oxidant in cancer and an antioxidant in sepsis.   So what does it do in the rest of us?   Oral doses of 2000 milligrams raise oxalate levels in most people, and as little as 400 milligrams raises oxalate in some people.   This seems to be the most sensitive indicator of a delicate imbalance with glutathione and other factors needed to recycle vitamin C. Such a balance actually needs to be avoided when killing cancer yet is critical to maintaining health in every other context.   Given that vitamin C is important to immunity and general health, how do we take advantage of these benefits without upsetting the delicate balance with glutathione and the propensity to generate oxalate?   That is the topic of this podcast.   This podcast is a preview of a video only available to Masterpass members.   Get evergreen access to the video and podcast, as well as the written article with references, here:
Nov 6, 2023
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Hi, I'm Chris Masterjohn and I have a PhD in Nutritional Sciences. I am an entrepreneur in all things fitness, health, and nutrition. In this show I combine my scientific expertise with my out-of-the-box thinking to translate complex science into new, practical ideas that you can use to help yourself on your journey to vibrant health. This show will allow you to master the science of nutrition and apply it to your own life like a pro.