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Episode #146. Busting Mental Health Myths and Take a Four-Second Pause when you feel Angry, with Beth Tyson, Trauma Expert, Consultant and Therapist, Philadelphia, United States


Episode #146. Busting Mental Health Myths and Take a Four-Second Pause when you feel Angry, with Beth Tyson, Trauma Expert, Consultant and Therapist,…



Episode #146. Busting Mental Health Myths and Take a Four-Second Pause when you feel Angry, with Beth Tyson, Trauma Expert, Consultant and Therapist,…


62 minutes
Sep 16, 2023
Podcast episode


In this enlightening episode, we're joined by Beth Tyson, an expert trauma therapist, to demystify some common myths about mental health and child psychology. Myth #1: Neglecting the Emotional Lives of Infants and ToddlersThe critical role that early life experiences play in long-term mental health. She sheds light on the significance of implicit and emotional memories stored during these formative years and the importance of proactive care over reactive treatment.Myth #2: Labeling Natural Reactions to Trauma as 'Disorders'The pros and cons of psychiatric diagnoses, particularly their role in facilitating insurance coverage versus their potential to stigmatize and limit people. She advocates for a more nuanced understanding of the human experience, especially when it comes to survivors of childhood trauma.Myth #3: The Burden of Individual Responsibility for Systemic ProblemsThe limitations of self-care and skill development in the face of systemic and intergenerational trauma. She calls for an approach that addresses societal root causes rather than solely focusing on the individual.Myth #4: Expecting High Achievement in Psychologically Unsafe EnvironmentsTouching on the intersection of basic neuroscience and human potential, Beth argues that the expectation for children to excel in unsafe environments is both unrealistic and damaging to their mental well-being.Myth #5: Associating Shame with Anxiety and Panic AttacksThe common misconception that experiencing anxiety or panic attacks is somehow a sign of weakness or moral failing. She emphasizes their role as natural responses to stress and how, surprisingly, they can also serve positive functions.Myth #6: The Overlooked Importance of Caregiver Support in Childhood TherapyThe vital need for holistic approaches that involve caregivers in a child's therapy journey, arguing that without this support, sustainable progress is unlikely.ConclusionBeth Tyson helps us unravel these myths, empowering us to make informed and compassionate decisions for our mental well-being and that of our children.Join the ConversationFor an ongoing discussion on children’s mental health and childhood trauma, Beth invites you to join her private Facebook group, Emotiminds, a growing community of over 4,600 parents and mental health professionals.Beth Tyson, MA, is a childhood trauma consultant, a 3x best-selling author, and a tireless advocate for the mental health of children and families. She founded Beth Tyson Trauma Consulting to provide trauma-responsive training and resources to organizations committed to supporting the emotional well-being of families. to social prescribing the showSubscribe and support the podcast at more at
Sep 16, 2023
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Opening up the conversation to brain health and fitness is empowering. The podcast brings the brain to life to help people empower themselves and their brain using neuroscience. Let's get to know how the brain works using brain science education and simple tools that can assist with calming and strengthening the brain are powerful ways for people to understand their capacity to be strong and resilient. Brain health has become everyone’s business. Professor Bartlett is a neuroscientist and has dedicated the last 25 years to studying the brain. The series of episodes was created to deliver practical tips that drive brain health and fitness. She is a Professor of Neuroscience at Queensland University of Technology and won the Lawrie Austin Award for Neuroscience from the Australian Neuroscience Society. The bottom line after searching for mental health solutions- neuroplasticity, brain imaging and digital technology are going to disrupt the mental health space and everyone will be talking about their brain health in the same way they think about their body with physical trainers and gyms. Please join us in the fun and biggest adventure of our lives. You can teach an old dog new tricks!