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Jenny Mitchell — A Man in Love with Plants


Jenny Mitchell — A Man in Love with Plants

FromPoetry Unbound


Jenny Mitchell — A Man in Love with Plants

FromPoetry Unbound

13 minutes
Jul 24, 2023
Podcast episode


How to remember a beloved who died tragically, violently? Remember the violence? Sometimes, yes. But also this: remember his love of flowers.Jenny Mitchell is the author of the poetry collections Her Lost Language (Indigo Dreams Publishing, 2019) and Map of a Plantation (2021). Her latest collection, Resurrection of a Black Man (2022), is a Poetry Kit Book of the Month. Mitchell is a winner of the Poetry Book Awards and joint winner of the Geoff Stevens Memorial Prize. She is also a recipient of the inaugural Ironbridge Prize, the Bedford Prize, and the Gloucester Poetry Society Open Competition. Find the transcript for this show at’re pleased to offer Jenny Mitchell’s poem, and invite you to connect with Poetry Unbound throughout this season.
Jul 24, 2023
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Your poetry ritual: An immersive reading of a single poem, guided by Pádraig Ó Tuama. Unhurried, contemplative and energizing. New episodes on Monday and Friday, about 15 minutes each. Two seasons per year, with occasional special offerings. Anchor your life with poetry.