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012: The Secrets to Ultimate Weight Loss with Chef AJ


012: The Secrets to Ultimate Weight Loss with Chef AJ

FromNHA Health Science Podcast


012: The Secrets to Ultimate Weight Loss with Chef AJ

FromNHA Health Science Podcast

42 minutes
Jan 26, 2023
Podcast episode


Growing up in the fifties and sixties, being overweight as a child was unusual. Yet, for Chef AJ, her struggle with weight was something that started in her youth. Reaching close to 200 pounds, it wasn’t until she dealt with a health challenge, that she even considered changing the way she ate. It took someone helping her to understand the connection between what she ate and her health crisis that she was willing to make the change. During this episode of the Health Science Podcast, Dr. Frank Sabatino and Chef AJ talk about healthy weight, food addictions, water-fasting, eating delicious foods and benefits of a plant-based, S.O.S. free diet.
Jan 26, 2023
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

The Health Science Podcast is brought to you by the National Health Association (NHA) championing the Gold Standard of a Whole Plant-Food Diet and Lifestyle Since 1948. The NHA's Mission is to educate and empower individuals to understand science-backed results from an integration of all aspects of health; personal, environmental, social, and the animals. All of our experts subscribe to a whole food, plant-based nutrition, no SOS, lifestyle and take a leadership role in advocating for healthy living and social justice. Many of our experts identify as ethical vegans. NHA supports medically supervised water-fasting. Water-fasting is a widely accepted protocol for healthy fasting.