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Stick It To Me


Stick It To Me

FromPetri Dish


Stick It To Me

FromPetri Dish

52 minutes
Sep 2, 2019
Podcast episode


Sean and Nathan wrestle with their doubts over acupuncture in the face of its glorious and undeniable efficacy! Learn about what the current science is on whether acupuncture does anything, what it could be physically doing (if anything at all), and a bit about the history of acupuncture as Nathan demonstrates his historian chops. Check out our patreon page! References: This episode was fake-sponsored by RESTAURANTS -- just generally, like, restaurants that you can go out and eat at. This episode was also fake-sponsored by RAGEQUIT -- your one-stop app for acrimonious divorce!
Sep 2, 2019
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Profane, insane, and 100% primo science, Petri Dish is a no-BS podcast that explores the wildest subjects in modern science with clarity and evil joy. Hosted by Sean Allen, a Nanoparticle/Immunology Researcher, and Nathan Allen, his "screenwriter" brother, Petri Dish fuses hard science with a freewheeling and madcap conversational style. Cannabinoids, Plague, Cats, the dreaded Candiru, and the even more dreaded Covid-19: all these and more are dissected with intellect and irreverence, dropping every week. So reject ignorance. Join the Scientific Revolution. Join Petri Dish.