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Down Deep in the Delta: The Complicated & Inspiring Social Fabric of America's Third Coast


Down Deep in the Delta: The Complicated & Inspiring Social Fabric of America's Third Coast

FromAmerican Shoreline Podcast Network


Down Deep in the Delta: The Complicated & Inspiring Social Fabric of America's Third Coast

FromAmerican Shoreline Podcast Network

66 minutes
Feb 10, 2020
Podcast episode


On this special episode of the American Shoreline Podcast recorded live from the Social Coast Forum 2020 in Charleston, South Carolina, Peter Ravella and Tyler Buckingham are joined by a panel of authors of America's Third Coast a series that offers important insights on Gulf Coast history, life, and culture. In particular, the Series is designed to highlight the economic activities and the environmental stewardship of the residents of this culturally diverse geographic region. Books explore major relevant topics in a format accessible to policy makers, residents desperate for information about their rapidly deteriorating environment, and an increasingly alarmed and, in many instances, outraged general public. 
Joining the show are Craig Gill, the Director of the University Press of Mississippi, the publisher of the Series; Jessica Schexnayder, author of “Fragile Grounds: Louisiana’s Endangered Cemeteries” on how sea level rise and flooding affect Louisiana’s cemeteries; Matthew Bethel, who is working on a book about the native communities along the Louisiana Coast; and Don Davis and Carl Brasseaux, who together are working on a history of the Gulf shrimping industry. 
America's Third Coast books are available for purchase wherever fine books are sold. 
Feb 10, 2020
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

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