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Exactly What To Say


Exactly What To Say

FromSellosophy Podcast


Exactly What To Say

FromSellosophy Podcast

38 minutes
Mar 29, 2023
Podcast episode


Phil M. Jones is a Master of Influence and Persuasion – Author of Seven Best Selling Business Books, including "Exactly What To Say" which has sold over a
million copies worldwide and translated into over 32 languages. Today we dive deep into the book and the 23 rejection free phrases anyone can use in sales conversations to have better conversations that lead to positive outcomes. We talk about how to build the right mindset and the 4 cornerstones that support the effectiveness of using these magic words. We also dive into pitfalls to avoid and tips to help you strengthen your confidence and success when engaging with your customers. If you serve customers, whether you are in sales or not - this is the book everyone should have.

Learn more about Phil:

Get the Exactly What To Say Book
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Mar 29, 2023
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (24)

Sellosophy is a way of life that sales professionals and entrepreneurs practice with the purpose to make the world a better place through the eyes of the customer. Each episode will have guests from different walks of life share their insights, experiences, tips and strategies to enhance your sales process and grow your business. Whether you are an individual producer looking to find new ways to approach your prospecting, sales and pipeline management system or if you are a small business leader looking to take your business to the next level, this channel is for you.