Energy Management: Did you know that energy management is just as important as time management? Very much like time, you also have a finite resource of energy and things you do can either increase or decrease your energy making you more efficient and productive or leaving you feeling burned out and on the brink of a breakdown. In this week’s episode were talking about what energy management is and why you need to know about it plus I’m sharing the 3 things that may be zapping your energy and what to do about them. by Simplify with Amanda Bratings:
5 minutes
May 31, 2023
Podcast episode
Have you ever paid attention to the words you use on a daily basis, and what you speak out loud? Did you know that the way we think influences the way we speak, and the way we speak influences the way we think?When you speak out loud your subconscious hears what you are saying and will continue to reinforce that story. When you speak, even if you’re saying something that is a joke, your subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between a joke and something you truly mean.You might be thinking ‘what does this have to do with time management and productivity?’. Well, the words we think and say can also make us feel a certain way. And how we feel is what either encourages us to take action or discourages us to take action.For example if you’ve ever been on the hamster wheel of “I’m so busy”, you know that it can feel never-ending. Like you can’t catch a breath which feels very suffocating. Versus if you said, “Life is full right now and that’s okay”. That phrase provokes a different feeling, an emotion inside of you. What about “I don’t have time”? Instead, maybe swap it with, “It isn’t a priority for me right now.” A simple phrase shift can be the difference from feeling like you’re at the mercy of all the things to feeling like you’re in control and have a choice. Language can help focus our attention and thoughts on specific aspects that we want to focus on. The words you speak become your reality. Words possess energy in the form of vibrations.If there’s something in your life you don’t like, pay attention to how you speak about it. Shift your language and see what happens.For the rest of the day pay attention to the words that you use and what you say out loud. Remember your subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between a joke and what you actually mean. Pay attention to how you speak about time, your schedule, what needs to get done. Can you shift what you say to be more empowering, change the words to feel less heavy?Until next time, take care my friend.
May 31, 2023
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (96)
- 7 min listen