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The Epic of Ancient Assyria - 003 - The Middle Assyrian Empire (Beginnings)


The Epic of Ancient Assyria - 003 - The Middle Assyrian Empire (Beginnings)

FromHistory with Cy


The Epic of Ancient Assyria - 003 - The Middle Assyrian Empire (Beginnings)

FromHistory with Cy

14 minutes
Mar 6, 2020
Podcast episode


In the third podcast of the series "The Epic of Ancient Assyria," we continue where we left off and take a look at the beginnings of what's known as the Middle Assyrian period. The star of this show is the ambitious king, Ashur-uballit I. He basically takes Assyria from a petty kingdom that has just attained its independence and turns it into a respectable regional power. He also set the foundation for what would become the Middle Assyrian Empire. Check out the episode for details.Support the show
Mar 6, 2020
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (31)

Come join me, Cy, as I uncover and explore the stories of the people and places that make up (or made up) our world. Whether through primary sources such as ancient inscriptions or interviews with some of the greatest scholars in the field of ancient and medieval history, this podcast will expose you to historical topics that are rarely covered in depth by others. Many of these programs will be supplements to the videos that appear on the popular History with Cy YouTube channel. You won't want to miss a single episode! Subscribe today!