The Fragrance Dilemma: How an Entire Industry Hijacked Your Hormones by Toxin Free (ish)ratings:
23 minutes
Apr 25, 2023
Podcast episode
Are you ready for a really bold statement? In my honest opinion, and one that I strongly believe is backed by all the data and all the science, your dryer sheets and fabric softeners are most likely the most toxic product in your entire home. Let that sink in for a moment. Not only are they full of toxins, but they also have multiple exposure pathways. They’re polluting the air in your home while also soaking your clothing in toxins. So, i’m arming you with all of the knowledge you need to swap these products for more holistic alternatives. We’ve become really accustomed to having “soft” clothing with no static. But fabric softener and dryer sheets are relatively new additions to our laundry routines. And I promise, it’s possible to have clean, soft laundry without the use of these products. I want this Spring Cleaning series to be as comprehensive as possible, so download my Green Cleaning Guide for a clear breakdown that will make shopping so easy.In this Episode, I Cover: The history behind dryer sheets and fabric softeners invention Why your clothes might feel soft after using these products, but they’re actually notOne of the most toxic ingredients - quats. How to spot them and why they should be avoided. “Clean” alternatives that are greenwashing their fabric softener and dryer sheetsMy suggestions for toxin-free alternatives ShownotesReceive weekly Toxin Free Tips & Sips right to your inbox by joining my email list here and follow me on instagram @wendykathryn_ .Want to ask me a question to get answered on the podcast? Leave me a voice message here.
Apr 25, 2023
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (96)
- 19 min listen