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Surviving and Thriving: How to Create a Survival Garden That Feeds Your Family


Surviving and Thriving: How to Create a Survival Garden That Feeds Your Family

FromPioneering Today


Surviving and Thriving: How to Create a Survival Garden That Feeds Your Family

FromPioneering Today

48 minutes
Apr 14, 2023
Podcast episode


Have you ever heard of a “survival garden?” For some, this term evokes fear and a sense of doom and gloom… but in reality, survival gardens are simply what the majority of people grew in the backyard just a few generations ago. So what is a survival garden? What crops should be planted in one, and how do we start one ourselves? If you’ve asked yourself any of these questions, then this podcast episode is for you. For more information and any links mentioned in this episode, visit:  
Apr 14, 2023
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Pioneering Today is all about getting back to basics, simple living, and self-sufficiency with old-fashioned skills and wisdom in a modern world. With heirloom gardening, canning, preserving the harvest, from scratch cooking, raising your own food, including livestock (backyard chickens, pigs, and cattle), natural medicine, herbs, DIY like soap making along with living a simple self-sufficient life, no matter where you live. Hosted by 5th generation homesteader, Melissa K. Norris, author of The Made-from-Scratch Life. This podcast brings you the conversation from and The Pioneering Today Academy, with Q&A's, teaching, tutorials, and always giving you practical ways and tips to live the simple and self-sufficient life.