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What It Takes to Move to the Country with Alissa Hessler


What It Takes to Move to the Country with Alissa Hessler

FromBelonging: Conversations about rites of passage, meaningful community, and seasonal living


What It Takes to Move to the Country with Alissa Hessler

FromBelonging: Conversations about rites of passage, meaningful community, and seasonal living

51 minutes
Mar 27, 2023
Podcast episode


If you daydream about purchasing land and relocating to a tiny town far from city life, this episode is the gentle invitation and reality-check you need before taking the leap.Today I’m joined by Alissa Hessler, an author, podcast host, and former corporate tech employee who left the big city to move to a rural community for love.In this episode, we discuss common reasons people choose to leave cities, the importance of being as prepared as possible before moving, and some things to expect if you’re thinking of relocating.We also unpack how the idealized country life we see on Instagram is actually damaging rural communities. And we emphasize the importance of seeking out the communities we enter (even when it feels uncomfortable) and honoring the histories of the lands we inhabit.More from Alissa HesslerListen to the Urban Exodus PodcastRead Ditch the City, Go CountryVisit the Urban Exodus WebsiteFollow Urban Exodus on InstagramResourcesEpisode #110: Slow Homesteading & Land Stewardship with Hillarie Maddox? Thank you for listening to the Belonging podcast! If the show has supported you in some way, I invite you to contribute to the tip jar. Your contribution helps me keep it going. Love, Becca.
Mar 27, 2023
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Welcome to Belonging, a podcast that explores being alive in the age of loneliness. Becca Piastrelli is your host and guide on a journey of courageous reconnection as we explore topics like rites of passage, cultivating meaningful community, seasonal and cyclical living, and what it means to be a good ancestor in these times. She has thought provoking conversations with friends, teachers, elders, and ancestral medicine keepers to help support you in bringing more meaning and connection to your life. She also pops in here and there to share updates and learnings from her own story because we were meant to do this together - cosmically holding hands as we walk the spiral of life.You can expect to be challenged by new (or old) ideas, face your beliefs and what systems informed them, get curious and brave to tell the truth about the deeper, harder things, and feel comforted in the knowing that you don’t have to navigate it all alone.