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Episode 29: Vico Ortiz


Episode 29: Vico Ortiz

FromComing Out Pod


Episode 29: Vico Ortiz

FromComing Out Pod

53 minutes
Jan 2, 2019
Podcast episode


Puerto Rican actor Vico Ortiz (These/Thems; Jane the Virgin) identifies as a "Latinx, FemBoi, non-binary, genderfluid queerdo." But above all, they are CHARMING AF! Vico talks about how their desire to emulate their parents' marriage lead them to a very traditional relationship before they realized they were queer (a discovery owed in part to a bartender mentor and Google). Vico also discusses the challenges of using modern pronouns in a heavily gendered language, and more!Find Vico at @puertoricaninja.
Jan 2, 2019
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Lauren is gay! Nicole is bi! Coming Out with Lauren & Nicole is a weekly podcast where pals Lauren Flans and Nicole Pacent have queer folks from all walks of life tell the tales of how they came out to friends, family, and the world at large. Because who doesn't love a coming out story?! #comingoutpod #foundricky