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What It Really Means To Be a Yogi


What It Really Means To Be a Yogi

FromDaily Yogi: A Podcast to Expand Your Perspective on Life


What It Really Means To Be a Yogi

FromDaily Yogi: A Podcast to Expand Your Perspective on Life

3 minutes
Mar 6, 2023
Podcast episode


Being a modern yogi means more than just physical stretching or exercise. It is aimed at unfolding as a human, keeping the body healthy, and controlling the mind and emotions. It is a path based on cultivating awareness and understanding of our inner selves. Through self-discipline and dedication, the yogi science can help you reach higher levels of understanding, clarity, and peace, allowing you to live a balanced life filled with joy and contentment. ? Watch on Youtube✉️ Do you prefer to read these daily wisdom nuggets?Sign up HERELearn more about the yogi philosophyJoin my communityInstagramTikTokFacebook
Mar 6, 2023
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Welcome to the Daily Yogi podcast. For centuries, men and women have devoted their time and attention to the development of humankind. Physically, mentally and spiritually. These ancient philosophies have been handed down from teacher to student, and gradually, a yogi science emerged. Anyone who’s interested in gaining control over the body and mind, and who wish to better understand life, will benefit from these teachings. The goal of this podcast is to impact the lives and consciousness of individuals to build a more connected, kind and mindful society. Every weekday I’ll share these timeless concepts in bite-sized relatable lessons you can apply immediately to help you live a more grounded and meaningful life.