WBSP000: Be yourself and Start Right Now, Introduction to the WBS Podcast w/ Sam Gupta by WBSRocks: Business Growth with Enterprise Software and Digital TransformationUNLIMITED
WBSP453: Grow Your Business by Learning How to Work with Large System Integrators w/ Vignesh Khade
FromWBSRocks: Business Growth with Enterprise Software and Digital Transformation
WBSP453: Grow Your Business by Learning How to Work with Large System Integrators w/ Vignesh Khade
FromWBSRocks: Business Growth with Enterprise Software and Digital Transformation
39 minutes
Feb 27, 2023
Podcast episode
Large programs require a lot more planning and strategy than smaller ones. Due to the number of functions involved and the need for collaboration among those functions. The default answer for most companies while leading large programs would be to go to a large SI and start it. The challenge with the approach is that each SI has practiced and might not have a centralized entity that could help you identify the right products and define the architecture. And might result in conflict by pulling the architecture in their direction.In today's episode, our guest, Vignesh Khade, who shares his insights on how to work with large system integrators while leading digital transformation programs. He also talks about where the role of architects fits in the overall process and why it is critical to design the business processes and define the architecture prior to engaging with SIs. Finally, he described the nuances of the corporate structure of SIs and how to engage with them to be successful with digital transformation programs.For more information on growth strategies for SMBs using ERP and digital transformation, visit our community at wbs.rocks or elevatiq.com. To ensure that you never miss an episode of the WBS podcast, subscribe on your favorite podcasting platform.
Feb 27, 2023
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
- 13 min listen