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Secrets I Have Learned From Interviewing Consultants and Sales Leaders | Derrick Williams - 1645


Secrets I Have Learned From Interviewing Consultants and Sales Leaders | Derrick Williams - 1645

FromThe Sales Evangelist


Secrets I Have Learned From Interviewing Consultants and Sales Leaders | Derrick Williams - 1645

FromThe Sales Evangelist

23 minutes
Feb 20, 2023
Podcast episode


Sometimes the most interesting conversations are between experts on parallel paths sharing their journeys and noticing what their paths have in common. This conversation between Donald Kelly and Derrick Williams (Founder and Principal of 3Link Consulting) is an example of just that - they both have a keen sense of sales trends that has been honed over years of work in the industry. Williams is as knowledgeable as they come, but like Donald, he’s always learning more from the best and most educated voices in sales today. They discuss Williams’ new project, The Sales Consultant Podcast, and cover some of the salient pieces of information that have started to reveal themselves as important as Williams has been going through his first round of interviews. Whether you’re new in the field or have years of experience, check out the new podcast, and become a fly on the wall in a conversation between leaders in the field.   A Throughline: Focus on the Fundamentals Communicating Value - Know how to open calls, all the way through to the end of the conversation. Discovery - Even if you have a good conversation with someone, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to lead somewhere. To be most efficient, try to avoid going down the wrong path by taking your time in the discovery phase. Practice - If you haven’t mastered the basics, you can’t move past the basics. Practice demos and rebuttals in real-time. As Williams says, “Get those reps up.” Keep your mind clear.   No Time for False Positives False positives, or going too far down a fruitless path, is not something businesses can afford to do in the current sales climate. Whether a false positive occurs during hiring or targeting, it will (needlessly) cost the business resources. They happen because we want to rush into making revenue and because a certain amount of risk-taking is rewarded, especially in the culture. But a scientific, data-driven approach is ultimately more efficient. Having a sense of urgency can be okay, but having the proper practices in place in case things go wrong can soften the blow of losing a lead or doubling back.   Check out The Sales Consultant Podcast for conversations that go into these topics, and so much more. Donald was interviewed on the podcast, too - let us know how you liked his episode! If you want to reach out to Donald, drop him a message on LinkedIn, Tik Tok, and Instagram @donaldckelly. You can also join TSE’s space on Circle to talk to Donald and other sellers looking to improve their craft.   “I’m looking to expand and broaden my research and understand what’s working out there. Part of me getting better as a consultant and just as someone who wants to bring value to my clients, I need to be out there talking to industry experts. I need to be out there looking at what’s working, and bringing that back into my engagements … I want to share that with those that are on a similar journey.” - Derrick Williams  Resources Williams’ podcast: The Sales Consultant (launching 2/27/2023). Check it out on your favorite platforms.  Derrick Williams on LinkedIn  Derrick Williams on Instagram @derrickis3linksales Sponsorship Offers This episode is brought to you in part by Scratchpad. Scratchpad is the fastest way for sales professionals to update Salesforce. Move at the speed of thought with Scratchpad. Try it for free or learn more at  2.            This episode is brought to you in part by LinkedIn. Cold calling will not work if you’re using shallow, outdated information. You need to go deep. Try Deep Sales by LinkedIn, the next generation of LinkedIn Sales Navigator. You can get a 60-day free trial - simply go to 3.            This episode is brought to you in part by TSE Sales Foundation. I think we can all agree that sales should be fun. However, many times, we find ourselves in a quagmire where we’re not progressing and deals are not
Feb 20, 2023
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Just like most of you, I am a real life B2B sales professional hustling in the world of software sales. If you were like me, you had no clue how to really sell when you started in sales. Over the years I’ve received training/coaching from some of the industry’s leading experts. I applied what I was learning and started seeing a significant difference in my performance and income. I started doing “BIG THINGS”! I personally feel that when you find something of value you should share it! That’s why I love sales so much. I became very passionate and started “evangelizing” about sales. A good buddy of mine, Jared Easley, then dubbed me “The Sales Evangelist”. He recommended that I further my reach by sharing sales tips to others through the medium of a podcast. Today I interview some of the best sales, business and marketing experts. They provide invaluable training of how you can take your career, business, and income to a top producer’s status. I know you will enjoy it. Welcome to The Sales Evangelist!