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Let’s Talk About Sex... Sex Therapy


Let’s Talk About Sex... Sex Therapy

FromSocial Workers, Rise!


Let’s Talk About Sex... Sex Therapy

FromSocial Workers, Rise!

55 minutes
May 4, 2020
Podcast episode


This week we sit down with Damon Holzum, LCSW a social worker, therapist, and entrepreneur based out of Los Angeles, California.

He tells his story going from corporate America to sex therapist. We talk about his work as a therapist and also his “day job” with families in South LA, which is an area with high poverty rates and majority is minorities who have traditionally been underserved.

We talk about the awkwardness of talking about sex but why we should and how he instigates this ad part of his assessment while working with families.

He even reveals his own story of coming out and how we can support LGBTQ youth.

It’s definitely a juicy episode! Let’s get out of our comfort zone and talk about sex!

Connect with Damon on his website:

Facebook and Instagram @DamonHolzum

Coping Through Crisis virtual event:

Connect with me on Instagram and Facebook @SocialWorkersRise

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May 4, 2020
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

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