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Off The Cuff Declassified - John Cardillo - May 1/2018


Off The Cuff Declassified - John Cardillo - May 1/2018

FromRebel News Podcast


Off The Cuff Declassified - John Cardillo - May 1/2018

FromRebel News Podcast

54 minutes
May 1, 2018
Podcast episode


Israel drops a bombshell (pun intended) on Iran and the world after their intelligence services pull off the coup of the century, proving Iran lied about their nuclear weapons program. Washington Examiner Politics Editor, Lauren Cooley joins me to discuss the Democrats losing millennial voters. Dr. John Lott is here to debunk more gun control myths. And, a rapper is calling for the violent Crips gang to attack Kanye West. I’ll tell you why.
May 1, 2018
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

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