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Mo Kasti: Founder of CTI Leadership, Author & Coach


Mo Kasti: Founder of CTI Leadership, Author & Coach

FromCoaches on Zoom Drinking Coffee


Mo Kasti: Founder of CTI Leadership, Author & Coach

FromCoaches on Zoom Drinking Coffee

42 minutes
Jan 23, 2023
Podcast episode


A deep-dive into coaching in the healthcare space with Mo Kasti, founder of CTI Leadership and author of Physician Leadership: The Rx for Healthcare Transformation (2015) and Beyond Physician Engagement: A Roadmap to Partner with Physicians to Be All In (2018). What does it take to be a doctor ? Prior to 2005, Mo explains that passing exams and achieving a great GPA was the only real criteria. However, he understands that success in the healthcare industry requires so much more than that. In this conversation, he explains to CEO Alex Pascal why it matters whether a doctor can listen actively, collaborate with others, and communicate effectively. He also shares why he believes that STEM should include art to become STEAM.Mo Kasti knows that when it comes to the “expert culture” of the healthcare industry, soft skills can be the hardest ones to teach. However, neglecting them is not an option - in this context, they can literally save lives. That’s why his work aims to combine clinical skill with emotional intelligence to ensure the best possible patient experience. Coaching may have arrived late to the healthcare industry, but as Mo explains, it has the potential to transform it. Find out about Mo’s progress so far in his mission to put humanity back into healthcare and hear more about his plans for the future integration of coaching into this industry by listening to the full episode.
Jan 23, 2023
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Join CEO, Alex Pascal as he hosts some of the world's greatest minds in coaching, leadership and more! Listen as Alex dives deep into coaching concepts, the business of coaching and discover what's behind the minds of these coaching experts! Oh, and maybe some conversation about coffee too!