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Episode 27 – One Year of Silliness


Episode 27 – One Year of Silliness

FromExperimental Brewing


Episode 27 – One Year of Silliness

FromExperimental Brewing

20 minutes
Nov 9, 2016
Podcast episode


Has it really been one year? Yup - The first episode of Experimental Brewing appeared on November 11th of 2015. The tricky part is we taped that first show at least three times. We wanted to get it right as possible coming out of the gate. We're still not there yet, but with your help, we can do it! Take our survey, leave us a review on iTunes,etc.
But first, in this episode we revist some of our favorite pieces of the first year of Experimental Brewing. We talk briefly at the pub about some recent news and happenings and then straight into the dream sequences as we revisit the world of data outliers, talk to Lew Bryson about Session Beers, Denny and Drew getting their learning on, talk weird beers with Russell Everett, Saisons, prove we can't taste anything with Marshall at HomebrewCon and close out with less than laconic Rodger Davis of Faction Brewing. We think we even got all the beeps in place for him this time!
Episode Links:
James Townsends & Sons Brewery Tour -
Jack Joyce Scholarship Fund -
Patreon Remember even a buck is good for charity:
Experimental Brew Store -
Episode Contents:
00:00:00 Our Sponsors
00:05:26 The Pub - ABI / James Townsend's & Son / Jack Joyce Scholarship
00:16:08 Segment 1 - Outliers aka Why Science is Messy
00:26:05 Segment 2 - Lew Bryson - Corgi's and Session Beers
00:40:29 Segment 3 - Diastatic Hops - Denny and Drew say "huh"
00:54:02 Segment 4 - Russell Everett - Stout Noodles and Cool Ranch Beer
01:01:15 Segment 5 - Saison Experiment - Why Marshall is Wrong
01:18:21 Segment 6 - Homebrew Con - Marshall Makes Us Look Like Idiots
01:30:22 Segment 7 - Rodger Davis - Hops, Swearing, Forklifts and More
01:45:00 We Sing You Out
This episode is brought to you:
American Homebrewers Association
BrewCraft USA Craftmeister NikoBrew PicoBrew
Wyeast Labs

Interested in helping Denny and Drew with the IGOR program (aka help us run experiments!) - contact them at [email protected]. We want more Citizen Science!
In the meanwhile, subscribe via your favorite podcasting service (iTunes, etc). Like our podcast, review it - talk it up! If you have comments, feedbacks, harassments, etc, feel free to drop us a line at [email protected]. Follow us on Facebook (ExperimentalHomebrewing) or Twitter (@ExpBrewing). If you have questions you'd like answered in our Q&A segment, send an email to [email protected]!
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Nov 9, 2016
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Sit down with Denny Conn and Drew Beechum, authors of Experimental Homebrewing and Homebrewing All-Stars as they explore the world of beer and homebrew. Every episode tackles the science of brewing and the art of brewing. Listen and learn how to make and appreciate better beer and how to create even the craziest idea you have. We can't promise that you'll save the world, but we can promise mad science in the pursuit of great beer!