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Episode 22: Kids and Sexuality


Episode 22: Kids and Sexuality

FromThe Aware Parenting Podcast


Episode 22: Kids and Sexuality

FromThe Aware Parenting Podcast

55 minutes
Sep 11, 2019
Podcast episode


In this week's episode, we talk about Children and Sexuality. We share about how to create healthy imprints in our children and discuss age-appropriate conversations to have with our children to set up a positive relationship with sex and sexuality.

[2.40] Why this topic is important to talk about.
[5:15] Aware Parenting and respect for bodily autonomy and intimacy.
[6.05] Our own imprints around sexuality.
[8.27] Conscious touch .
[10.25] What did your Sex Education consist of and the impact on you?
[12.45] How do we change the paradigm around pleasure?
[17.35] Children discovering their bodies.
[19.55] Being mindful to not create shame around sexuality.
[22.45] Loving limits, safety and boundaries around sexuality.
[30.55] Respect in the Aware Parenting paradigm.
[31.15] Teachable moments and how we can have conversations around sex with children.
[35.15] Repression Mechanisms in Sexuality.
[38.00] Opening up discussions around the variations in Sexuality.
[39.20] Reading cues with your child around repression mechanisms and tools to assist them.
[44.45] Educating our children to be discerning around sexual content and images.
[47.00] Helping ourselves by laughing and diffusing our nervousness.
[49.20 ] Helpful tips for having these conversations with your children.

This week’s invitation:

1.  Tune into the imprints you had around sexuality.
2.  Would you like to use humour or laughter to release any discomfort you have around this topic?


Lael's Webinar on Talking to your Kids about Sex -

Lael's Webinar on Tweens and Teens and Sex ed -

Sex Ed Rescue -
Hush Sex Education -
Culture Reframed (info around navigating pornography with children) -
Amaze (great resource for kids and parents) -

As always, you can head over to the Aware Parenting Podcast Facebook group and join in the discussion, or you’ll find us on Instagram @theawareparentingpodcast 

You can find Marion at and Lael at
And if you haven’t already, make sure you subscribe to the podcast so we can pop into your podcast feed.

Sending you much love, compassion, and grace in your parenting journey.
Lael and Marion
Sep 11, 2019
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

The Aware Parenting Podcast explores all elements of parenting through a developmental perspective. We explore why and how connection, attachment, compassionately understanding our own childhoods as parents, and listening to our children are the foundation to parenting with this particular kind of awareness. We are both Aware Parenting Instructors, certified by The Aware Parenting Institute, founded by Aletha Solter, Ph.D.