Keys to Solid Hormones - How to 80/20 Your Testosterone: In this episode, we talk about the keys...the most important things to focus on for solid hormones. You may be familiar with the pareto principle...more commonly known as the 80/20 principle. This applies to your hormones as well! While there are many things you can do to tweak and optimize your hormones, bottom line is there are main keys in each area of life...the 20% that will get you 80% of your results. They are, by area of your life: LIFESTYLE: Get enough quality sleep Lower stress Avoid estrogrenic toxins NUTRITION: Get enough GOOD fats Avoid toxic BAD fats Avoid Sugar SEX: Avoid excess ejaculation (learn to separate orgasm and ejaculation) Avoid solo ejaculation Be active (whether solo or with partner) and stoke your fire FITNESS Be active daily Intensity is what matters At least some resistance(weight) training...especially compound and lower body exercises Those are the main keys! The spec by Holistic Alpharatings:
15 minutes
Sep 25, 2019
Podcast episode
Reducing the window of time each day when you are eating...your "eating window"...has powerful effects that help you be at your best! Amazing things happen in our body, including with our hormones and testosterone, when we give our body a bit of a break from eating. Listen to today's episode as we discuss the why and how of daily intermittent fasting.
Sep 25, 2019
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
- 16 min listen