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Sn. 3, #10 Isra Banks: Architecture for Healthier, Just, and More Sustainable Cities


Sn. 3, #10 Isra Banks: Architecture for Healthier, Just, and More Sustainable Cities



Sn. 3, #10 Isra Banks: Architecture for Healthier, Just, and More Sustainable Cities


23 minutes
Oct 26, 2021
Podcast episode


It was Isra Banks’ mother who first encouraged her to become an architect. Now a mother herself, Isra is passionate about building healthier, just, and more sustainable cities for the next generation. As a licensed architect in Massachusetts, two years ago Isra launched her own architecture firm, TriVek Architects. She also has a YouTube channel and is working on a book. Today she joins us on Hazard Girls to share her journey with us. Tuning in, you'll hear how she realized she wanted to be an architect, and how long it took her to get there. She explains why she decided to start her own architectural firm, the challenges and fears she had to overcome in the process, and her passion for creating sustainable and viable neighborhoods. Isra expresses that the focus of all that she does is to improve physical and mental health through design. To find out how architecture can foster good health, the importance of natural light and spending time outdoors, and why it’s so important that architecture integrates with nature, tune in today!
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Oct 26, 2021
Podcast episode

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